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Valid for Sitecore 5.2, 5.1.1
3.  Implementation
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As mentioned above, to implement a data provider, you must derive a class from Sitecore.Data.DataProviders.DataProvider and override all relevant methods.  You must choose which methods to overload based on the level of integration desired.  There are no required methods which must be overloaded, but in practice, a minimal set must be defined to make a useful data provider.  Please read the Examples » Hello World section for an example of such a minimal set.

This section describes what methods should be overridden when implementing various levels of integration with external data sources.  Each section below handles a given integration level.  The Reference section provides detailed information about each method.

Before integrating an external data source, you must decide how you will translate the unique identifiers from the data source format to Sitecore GUIDs.

Read-only data sources are the simplest to integrate. This section describes the methods you need to override to support read-only sources. These methods are also required for more complex integration levels.

This section describes the additional methods required to add read/write support to a read-only data source.

This section describes the additional methods required to add support for copying and moving items in the Sitecore clients.

This section describes the additional methods required to add support for locating items by name.

This section describes the additional methods required to add support for Sitecore's Query engine.

This section describes the additional methods required to add support for publishing items from the external data source.

This section describes the additional methods required to add support for name / value properties.

This section describes the additional methods required to enable workflows associated with items in external data sources.

This section describes the additional methods required to allow uses to change the template associated with an item in an external data source.

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